Tuesday, May 25, 2010

my pixar report

After I finished reading this article I think Pixar is the best computer animation I have ever seen, I think whatever they create is groundbreaking and great animation, The studio production has 24 Academy Awards, I don’t think there is no downside about Pixar the only downside I would say about is that I think they take way too long to make a movie I think they should at least try to have a certain deadline to meet every one year or two years. I like it that the character Andy is grown up and the whole setting and time frame is different than the other movies were in the past, I think the movie is going to be ground breaking and It will be interesting to see if they do make a toy story 4 in my opinion I think it will. What I learn about this article is that there is a lot of people in Pixar that creates the story and the characters are very creative, I learn that the actor that does the voiceover makes expressions and the people in Pixar observe his face expression and hand gestures to match the character. I learn that it takes 1084 days to create a movie for Pixar. I learned that the sketches are very important in 3d animation. I learned that it takes about 907 days to create a the whole characters in 3d. I learn rendering takes about at least 100 days to complete. For my conclusion I think this article was very interesting to read and It gives you a better look on how hard 3d artist and animator on how hard their job really is.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My work for today

I am doing adobe illustrator tutorial for my independent study,I will spend time on it for at least 3 hours on how adobe illustrator works.I will learn the basic ideas on how to do adobe illustrator,I think it will make me a better interactive designer because I think its good to know all the adobe programs and knowing how they work.the link i will be using is: http://teamphotoshop.com/articles-Illustrator-Getting-started-with-Illustrator-16,8,112a.html

I will share the class by showing how the main tools for adobe illustrator works and the basics,that would be a way on how to share and present the tutorials.I will show that adobe illustrator is like adobe photoshop and adobe flash

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Web Inspection

1.Do all the sites work?
all of my sites work.
2. Do all of the images load correctly.
all of images work
3. Does the page load from a jump drive on a different computer?
yes it does work
4. What do you like about the page?
I like the voiceover I use on the portfolio
5. What could use improvement?
The only Improvement I would say is that I should make more flash on my webpage and overall I like my porfolio web page.